
Jonas Adriaensens

Jonas Adriaensens
PhD student

Department of agricultural economics
Ghent University
Coupure links 653 Office A1.---
9000 Ghent, Belgium


Jonas Adriaensens is a Belgian PhD student and joined the Department of Agricultural Economics in 2020 through an FWO scholarship. He received his bachelor’s degree at Ghent University and also holds a master’s degree in political sciences and a master’s degree in complementary studies in economics from Ghent University, a master’s degree in food and resource economics from Korea University, and a joint international master’s degree in rural development from the IMRD consortium. Before embarking on his PhD, he worked for the Ghent-based NGO “Catapa” in Colombia to accompany local farmers and social movements in the development of an agroecological project in Tolima.


Jonas investigates neo-developmentalist and neo-extractivist processes in Argentina and focuses on how agroecology is promoted as an alternative paradigm of development by peasant and indigenous movements. His research is interdisciplinary and integrates anthropology, rural sociology, political economy and political ecology in the analysis of rural processes of resistance and transition in the Pampa-region and the northwest of Argentina.


  • Agroecology
  • Food Sovereignty
  • Extractivism
  • Land Grabbing
  • Neocolonialism
  • Political Ecology