Joachim Schouteten
Department of agricultural economics
Agri-food marketing and consumer behavior
Ghent University
Coupure links 653
Office A1.---
9000 Ghent, Belgium
Joachim Schouteten holds a PhD in Applied Biological Sciences: Food Sciences and Nutrition from Ghent University. His PhD was entitled "Information and context effects on consumers' food experience" and was supervised by prof. Xavier Gellynck and prof. Ilse De Bourdeaudhui. He had research stays at Copenhagen University (2015-2016), Nofima (2018) and Adelaide university (2020). Joachim is lecturer for several courses at Ghent University focusing on one hand on sensory analysis and on the other hand entrepreneurship.
Research_tHis main research interest lies in the use of novel methods to gain insights in the food choice of consumers, especially when also considering the sensory properties of the food products. Furthermore, he is also interested in entrepeneurship and how this could be used for sustainable production along the agro-fod chain. He has been involved in several national and international projects in the past. Currently, he is involved in the following European projects: Smartprotein (https://smartproteinproject.eu/), WeLASER (https://welaser-project.eu/), FAIRCHAIN (https://www.fairchain-h2020.eu/) and Cropdiva.ext