
Nathaline Onek Apero

Nathaline Onek Aparo
PhD student

Department of agricultural economics
Agri-food marketing and consumer behavior
Ghent University
Coupure links 653
Office A1.---
9000 Ghent, Belgium


Nathaline Onek Aparo is an agricultural and rural development specialist. She holds a bachelor's degree in Agriculture from Gulu University, Uganda, a joint degree of International Master of Science in Rural Development from Ghent University, Belgium, Pretoria University, South Africa, and University of Pisa, Italy. She received a BOF research grant, and is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Marketing, Ghent University, and the Department of Agribusiness and Rural development, Gulu University, Uganda. Her research work is focused on “leveraging mobile phone technology to improve smallholder agricultural productivity” and crosses the fields of behavioral Economics, Quantitative social research, Agricultural- and socio-economics.


Nathaline’s research is focused on exploring the use of Mobile phone technologies to enhance survey research (data collection) among smallholder farmers in developing countries.


  • Farmer
  • Willingness/intention to participate
  • Mobile phone technologies
  • Preference/Choice

Publications/Research ID